Getting Started

This section will help you add or change categories, statuses, and notifications. You will need to click Configuration on the left nav bar and then click the Code Tables tab to get started.

In the search bar on the Code Tables tab, type ‘inv’. You will see three tables display.

  • Inventory Categories: Define your categories here. You can do this is a variety of ways. For example, create a single category for ladders and list every size/type of ladder under that category. For better organization, create a top-level or parent category and associate it with related child categories (a hierarchy configuration).
  • Inventory Statuses: Create a list of statuses that can be applied to your items. Statuses can include ‘par-below/above’, ‘broken’, ‘out for repair’, etc. Use language familiar to your agency.
  • Inventory Notifications: This optional feature is used if you want to send notifications based on specific criteria.